How to install OpenLaszlo 4.1.1 on Linux

I’m playing with OpenLaszlo from a while (an open source platform for the development and delivery of rich Internet applications), but I have found some problems installing it on my developing system (currently I’m using Kubuntu Intrepid Ibex).
I have found the solution and due to lack of documentation about it I have decided to write a little step-by-step guide here on this blog…


VMware Server 2.0 + Sound/ALSA + Ubuntu/Linux

The new version of my preferred virtual machine environment is out, I’m using it, but the problem with audio device/ALSA is still present.

The new web interface (new??? I remember the “same” interface with the old GSX…) adds some cool features, but the way to fix the ALSA problem is the same of the previous version…


Install Freevo 1.8.2 in Ubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04

Since the Freevo packages are out from Ubuntu repositories, I’m stuck with Freevo 1.7.2. This is annoying because some plug-ins, like are not working anymore…

I know, the correct way to fix this, is to build some set of .deb packages, but I have no experience about building .deb from source, so I’m going to write this little how-to about a manual (from source) installation.

Synergy: incrementare la produttività

Tipicamente utilizzo la tecnologia di virtualizzazione, l’amministrazione remota e tutta una serie di tecnologie correlate, ma Synergy è stato in grado di impressionarmi. Ed in questi giorni, trovare qualcosa che mi impressioni, è decisamente raro 🙂

Se siete famigliari con il concetto di doppio monitor, dovreste sapere di quanto questo setup aumenti la produttività: uno schermo più grande vuol dire più applicazioni aperte allo stesso tempo, nessuna perdita di tempo a cercare applicazioni perse sulla barra di avvio, ecc…

Synergy è un programmino client/server, multi piattaforma ed open source: permette di condividere una tastiera ed un mouse tra diversi computer (Mac, Windows, Linux/Unix) tramite la rete (TCP/IP).

In sostanza, usando Synergy è come avere un sistema multi monitor tradizionale ma con diversi sistemi operativi dietro ogni monitor. Basta scrivanie piene di mouse e tastiere, con Synergy una tastiera ed un mouse saranno sufficienti per controllare tutti i vostri personal! (senza dover spendere un quattrino con “stupidi” switch KVM).
Oltre a questo, Synergy permette di condividere anche la clipboard!


Synergy, a good productivity tool

Well, I’m used to virtualization technology, remote desktop management and all this kind of stuff, but Synergy is something that amazes me. And in these days, find something that impresses me, is quite unusual 🙂

If you are familiar with the dual monitor concept, you know the level of productivity you can reach with this setup: a bigger desktop means more applications opened at the same time, no time lost searching into your task switcher and so on…

Synergy is a little client/server application, cross platform and open source. The goal of this piece of code is to share one keyboard and one mouse between multiple machines (Macs, Windows, Linux/Unix) via TCP/IP.
With this fantastic application, you can experience the benefit of a multi-monitor setup with multiple OS. No more useless mess on your desk, only one keyboard and one mouse (and no more expensive and “stupid” KVM switches)

chkconfig and Ubuntu/Debian

Under my RPM based distros I’m using chkconfig to easily activate and deactivate services during the boot and the shutdown sequence from the shell. Coming to the Debian environment, I have not found one utility like chkconfig to do the same job. Just today, I have discovered sysv-rc-conf: run-level configuration Read more…


Well, VMWare tools sometimes fails to install into a Linux guest with recent kernel.

The error is something like this: The directory of kernel headers (version @@VMWARE@@ UTS_RELEASE) does not match your running kernel (version Even if the module were to compile successfully, it would not load into the running kernel.
